Egg Donation

Egg donation represents a remarkable advance in fertility treatment for women who cannot conceive a child with their own eggs. Good candidates for egg donation programs include women who have undergone premature menopause, have significant decreased ovarian reserve, who are older than 43 and/or women who have had a number of unsuccessful attempts at IVF using their own eggs.

Donor Sperm

Donor insemination (DI) is the process of inseminating a woman with sperm obtained from a anonymous donor. The procedure is usually performed in natural cycles without the use of any fertility medications. However, fertility medication may be recommended for women in their late 30's and older, and for those who have been unsuccessful with donor insemination in natural cycles, in order to increase the number of eggs for fertilization.

Fertility Preservation

Gestational Surrogacy

gestational carrier (sometimes referred to as a surrogate) is woman who accepts to bear (or be pregnant with) the child of another woman who is incapable of becoming pregnant using her own uterus. The gestational carrier provides a host uterus for the offspring, and does not contribute genetic material, i.e. is not the egg provider. The offspring's genetic material may come from the egg and the sperm provided solely by the aspiring man, woman or couple, referred to as the “intended parents,” or in combination with donor egg and/or donor sperm, depending on the needs of the intended parents.

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